Wollongong Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

The costs associated with your cancer treatment and recovery will depend on the type of treatment you receive.

In general, your private health insurance will cover the majority of the costs of cancer treatment that you receive as an inpatient at Wollongong Private Hospital. 

You may need to pay additional fees for:

  • Your doctor
  • Any regular scans
  • Allied health services (such as physiotherapy)

You can access a limited number of Medicare-funded allied health appointments through a chronic disease management or mental health plan from your GP. There may be a small gap payment associated with these appointments.

Getting financial support

We understand that being diagnosed with, and treated for, cancer can significantly impact your finances and cause financial strain. When this happens, it’s best to seek financial advice from a professional.

You can get free financial help and advice from:  


Ways to ease financial hardship

It’s important to know there are a number of ways that you may be able to ease financial stress. 

You may be able to access a lump sum payment from your superannuation fund on compassionate grounds. This can help cover the costs of treatment, transport or rehabilitation. You may also be eligible for income protection.

It’s important to understand what your health insurance covers you for and what financial support you can access early on in your treatment pathway.

Speak with you super fund or visit the Department of Human Services to learn more.

Banks and financial institutions can also offer you temporary relief from personal debt or mortgage repayments. You can learn more from your bank or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.